No One Is Coming

D.F. Mulder
6 min readDec 7, 2020


Rotten Institutions Will Not Be Saving Us.

Power structures are awful at policing the horrendous conduct of those with power. Notoriously awful. History demonstrates this definitively. What power structures are great at policing is the innocent conduct of those who threaten the powerful. In societies where civic virtue has been lost, and where bona fide sociopaths ascend to the upper echelons of society with great regularity to enjoy the benefits associated with those positions and to bully and terrorize ordinary citizens through mask mandates and totalitarian stay-at-home orders and a thousand other means, trusting the powerful to deliver you from tyranny or oppression or anything really, is patently irrational. Rotten power structures do not self-correct. They are forced to correct from without or they remain corrupt.

In modern America, you can’t trust your legislators. You can’t trust law enforcement. You can’t trust the media. You can’t trust any of our major institutions, frankly, even those we once believed semi-reliable. Shoot, even the military is three fourths of the way cucked. We can’t really trust the vote count any longer either, if we are being honest with each other. If you think you can trust our major institutions, you’re a fool.

The cops, for their part, have proven time and time again throughout the past two decades that if you’re white or a conservative and you defend yourself from mobs of violent Bolsheviks in the streets, expect to be charged with murder. Even if you’re just a kid! Even if you’re just protecting your own livelihood! You think you can trust institutions that regularly and consistently do things like that? Now these government thugs are running around viciously assaulting civilians for being out past curfew and for not wearing masks! The Kim Family in North Korea must be salivating seeing all the power Western governments have over the pale-skinned peons that populate what was once unironically described as the “free world”. I mean, if we are free, what does not free look like? I’m not sure I want to know.

Positions of power in modern America are populated overwhelmingly by sociopaths, people who go into those positions and professions because they crave power and get to live daily life more or less above the law in them. That is true for cops and legislators more than any other vocations. The same pathological impulse to micromanage society and push ordinary people around drives both groups. Like politicians, the police lie with impunity in modern America, with incredible regularity really, even in official court documents. This should not surprise anyone. This is in fact precisely what you should expect from such people.

Positions of power select strongly for sociopathic traits. Of course, not all cops are vicious, vile bullies, but many, if not most, are. Something like 40% of police officers violently abuse family members, but they are rarely held accountable for it. They apparently engage in domestic violence at a greater frequency than even players in the National Felons League! They get away with it so often because cops only rarely hold other cops accountable for their evildoing, just as the Deep State will never reform itself. Because, again, crooked institutions do not self-correct.

Even more disturbingly, the law seems to be all we have keeping things in order now. Americans increasingly have no virtues, no intellect, no anything. Government force/violence is what keeps America stable, civil, and together politically. As such, many rightists and conservatives have become dependent upon those in power, cheerleaders for their own dispossession, Stockholm sufferers, allies to their enemies. It is the law that has led us to our current debauched state as a people (see addiction rates, suicide rates, and vice rates amongst white Middle Americans, who have had diversity jammed down their throats by Neo-Soviet apparatchiks for decades now), yet we celebrate the government thugs who enforce the laws destroying us. How absurd.

Many faux patriots fear that without totalitarian levels of government control, America would devolve into chaos. They have traded in a state of liberty for a low-crime, wealth-generating tyranny. That is what all this “back the blue” nonsense is about. A society that does not trust its fellow citizens, seeks hope in whatever it has available. The bluecoats are of course the last people anyone should trust, but when you have nothing, you invariably reach for something.

Trusting in the police and feeding their inane delusions of self-righteousness constitutes folly on an epic scale. Deep mistrust of law enforcement is the only sensible posture for anyone who knows anything about human nature and governments generally. Moreover, to make matters worse, placing all this trust in law enforcement officers leads to institutional shifts which are as awful as they are non-conservative.

It means arming cops with military weaponry they shouldn’t have. It means giving cops trust and discretion they absolutely do not deserve. It means writing laws vaguely and broadly so that potentially innocent conduct falls within their purview because cops can be trusted to get it right. They can’t. It means bad things all around, including a very powerful state. It is about as far from “small government” as conceivable. These shifts mean more innocents are entrapped more frequently by law enforcement misconduct, ineptitude, and even targeted prosecution (for political or other reasons). The costs of these shifts are borne by us, by ordinary civilians, by innocent, sometimes even honorable people, like Michael Flynn and Kyle Rittenhouse.

The police should be defunded 80–90% and the criminal codes should be pared down 80–90%. We should get the police focused far more on serious wrongdoing and far less on petty crimes and process crimes. Addressing serious wrongdoing is what the criminal law was created for after all. We should also abolish the plea bargain outright. Enough of this “broken window” garbage. Jefferson is spinning in his grave just listening to this drivel. We do not have a crisis of violence or criminality in America. Quite the contrary really. The real crisis is that the government has far, far more power than it should. As a general principle, free people can arm and defend themselves. Why does that scare so many “conservative patriots” nowadays? Official police forces didn’t even exist during the Founding Era. Now there is a cop on every fucking corner. It is downright disgusting.

Trump will not be in office on January 21st. He just won’t be. This despite a litany of credible reports of voter fraud from multiple jurisdictions. It is now to the point that the lying press is telling us we’re not seeing what we’re clearly seeing on video. You simply can’t have a democracy under conditions like this. Democracy can’t function if you don’t have a base level of trust in government and one’s fellow compatriots. Yet our government has repeatedly shown us it does not deserve any trust at all. And half the country has repeatedly shown our half that nothing matters to them except winning and advancing their warped leftist ideals by any means necessary. The law is no substitute for minimum levels of civic virtue.

The courts will not save Trump, and they will not save you. No one will be held accountable regardless of how much vote fraud occurred. When power structures are thoroughly rotted through, the only recourse people have is guns and gore, rebellion and revolution. That’s it. There is no other recourse. The Founding Fathers understood this. It is past time that Americans take responsibility for their own destiny and stop looking to false government saviors/idols of any stripe, blue or not, to deliver them.

There is a reason Western governments have become unbelievably abusive toward their citizens in recent years. It is because White Westerners do nothing. We are startlingly apathetic. Despite protestations to the contrary, Americans are no better than Swedes. We are equally as docile and domesticated. We sue and complain and debate endlessly, but it gets us nowhere. Our leaders never really pay for their crimes and their abuses. They basically operate with complete impunity. It isn’t just the Clintons. It is up and down our governments, from federal to local. The Vikings would never have tolerated any of the bullshit we now put up with daily. We imagine ourselves civilized and noble for quietly tolerating constant abuse and totalitarian insanity from our governments, but bondage is not civilized, it is just pitiful.

This is the plain truth of things. Telling yourself otherwise is deluding yourself. Now, I’m not instructing anyone to go do anything rash or violent, but in your soul, in your heart, you have a choice. You can either accept reality for how and what it is, harsh as it is, tragic as it is, because no one is coming to save us, or you can salute the flag, recite patriotic slogans, fellate Reagan’s legacy, bathe in the luxuries of the modern world, and go back to sleep. Regardless of which path you choose, I’ll be out delivering red pills all holiday season to anyone rightfully fed up with the way we are forced to live.

Merry Christmas, muppets!



D.F. Mulder
D.F. Mulder

Written by D.F. Mulder

Dissident of the dark web. Spraguer, Droevig, Mulder, Haas, Imas.

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