Of Tyrants And Fools
Our government’s hysterical response to the MAGA protest at the Capitol is exactly what you’d expect from irreparably broken, bottomlessly corrupt institutions.
In the aftermath of the insurrection-that-wasn’t-really against America, Senile Joe is already calling for new anti-terror laws meant for the domestic context. Make no mistake, that means more totalitarian laws enacted and enforced against American [rightist] dissidents. That means you and me. As if the war on “hate” wasn’t intense enough already, what with the entire corporate world now joining the U.S. Government in its crusade to persecute anyone and everyone still willing to think a [insert Marxist buzzword ending in -ist here] thought.
MSM talking heads are naturally bellowing non-stop for the federal authorities to throw the book at the occupiers/protesters as well, and the federal authorities are, unsurprisingly, obliging. If these were leftists rather than rightists, is there any doubt, I mean any doubt, that the press would be calling this occupation of the Capitol, “mostly peaceful”? I mean, Antifa and BLM have taken over police precincts and federal buildings and whole sections of American cities, numerous times, and that is exactly how the press has routinely described their actions. Remember, it is terrorism when we do it, social justice when they do it. American liberals have clearly completely abandoned the principle of “equality under the law”. That is a core liberal value, but it is increasingly difficult to find any liberal values left on the supposed liberal-left.
Nonetheless, this kind of duplicity, this kind of “crying out as they strike you” insanity is par for the course in Weimerica. As they systematically discriminate against white people in hiring, in university admissions, in corporate boardrooms, and seemingly everywhere else, via widespread diversity preferences, and as they peddle toxic fictions about white supremacy, white fragility, and white privilege, and work the nation up into a tizzy of anti-white enmity and antipathy, our vile overlords repeatedly tell us blacks are being oppressed. Blacks? Are they kidding? Blacks are oppressed in a country where white people are literally randomly kneeling before them in the street! Laughable. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris tell us that the police response to the storming of the Capitol by MIGApedes proves whites are treated preferentially by the criminal justice system. Except the mostly peaceful occupiers are all being rounded up and overcharged now. Clearly the kid gloves are reserved exclusively for Antifa and BLM, and other paramilitary factions of the Cultural Marxist uniparty. Ironically, the Capitol protest was pretty darned mild compared to what leftist rioters have done to large portions of America over the last decade.
Interestingly, the US power structure is responding exactly as you would expect failing, corrupt institutions to respond. Instead of taking responsibility for decades upon decades of their own misfeasance and malfeasance, instead of addressing the election security issues that have made half the country question the legitimacy of the incoming regime, government officials are simply labeling all Trump supporters “crazy conspiracy theorists” and/or “white supremacists”. The real problem is not that unaccountable, politically-interested megacorps are programming voting machines and counting votes with little to no governmental oversight, it is that Trump said something about it! Instead of taking responsibility for the mess America is in, congressroaches and government high-ups are lashing out. They are mostly blaming Trump, but when they aren’t, they are pointing the finger at anyone and everything but themselves, including foreign nations like China and Russia. This is literally the conduct of every corrupt, tyrannical government in recorded history.
The level of stupidity and recklessness displayed by America’s leaders in the aftermath of what was essentially a glorified occupy protest at the Capitol, is astonishing. Truly. This was not a real coup attempt. The violence was, for the most part, moderate and marginal, the work of a few bad apples, and in the end, the occupiers left peaceably. But though it was obviously not a real rebellion, the wokesheviks at the helm of American society seem intent on inciting a real one by overreacting maniacally. Don’t expect them to wise up anytime soon, however. These are not smart people.
Furthermore, the overreaction symbolizes how everything in America is now exactly the opposite of how it should be. When private businesses were being burned to the ground, and the lives of ordinary business owners thrown into disarray, government force was impossible to locate, but when a few shards of glass are broken in the Capitol, 25,000 troops are summoned. Tragically, this way of thinking has become commonplace in America.
We have become the kind of society that elevates the powerful, and bequeaths upon them special privileges and protections, such that they are frequently above the rules the rest of us must live by and outside our circles of existence, while ordinary folks are denigrated, our rights weakened or abrogated entirely. Is it any wonder then that in America today, positions of power, like those occupations where you get to make laws or enforce them, are increasingly occupied by bullies and sociopaths? We have placed our trust in all the wrong places. We respect the strong and insult or ignore the weak. We value safety over rights, order over liberty. Yet law and order is no solution to America’s descent into full-blown Bolshevism. Excessive government control is actually the cause of that descent, perhaps more than any other factor. During the Founding Era, official police forces didn’t even exist. And increasingly, police forces around America resemble and act like standing armies harrying and tyrannizing the people.
In between the left turning DC into East Berlin, and calling for “lists” to be made on Trump associates and supporters, Joe Biden is calling for unity. Unity! Pah! No one believes it possible. Even his own supporters scoff at the notion. Let’s be honest, the left wants struggle sessions, reeducation camps, and retribution. There are a few tissue-paper-thin barriers to the undisputed, unqualified establishment of a new Soviet-style system here in America, but looking at the way the left has broken down and through every institutional barrier in their way for 60 years straight in America, ever since America endured its cultural revolution, i.e. the Civil Rights Movement, there is simply no reason to be hopeful our institutions can withstand another decade or two of sustained assault by the left.
America is already a 2nd world banana republic of sorts, a sick, sickly, fractured society, a bleak, Cultural Marxist dystopia, staring into an even bleaker abyss. Sadly, there is no good way forward as one nation. Our institutions are completely and irreparably broken. We should be talking about how to break the country up peacefully, but all the political class is interested in doing is celebrating its glorious victory over pseudo-fascist non-dictator Ronald Blumpf, and crushing the few residual foes of its permanent great leap forward. There is simply too much faux progress (read: degeneracy) to still bring about, too much wealth still to siphon off of America’s dying carcass and deposit in the pockets of banksters and aspiring tyrants. If you think things look awful now, wait another decade or two. They are sure to get worse, as the mean IQ of the nation continues to decline to levels never before seen in America, and as our greatest strength, diversity, continues to tear apart the fabric of our republic.