Redieval Times
If you speak out against leftist orthodoxies today, you are, for all intents and purposes, an enemy of the state, and also the state religion of diversity worship. The incoming administration wants much of the political right labeled domestic terrorists, perpetually monitored, and if need be, charged with something or other. Most of the political left now admits this quite openly. Granted, we are not being thrown into gulags for our political views, not yet anyway, but we are being mishandled and mistreated in a thousand other ways. If you offend the left’s pet minorities or its quixotic causes, even with the most well-intentioned humor, you risk being effectively thrown off the internet, effectively anyway. Even the president is not immune!
And that isn’t all mind you. That isn’t close to all. Expect the authorities, either local or federal, to manufacture crimes against you and charge you with them. Expect to be shut out of the job market to one degree or another. I mean, what did My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell even do to be thrown off Twitter? Does it even matter anymore? You can’t even get into the Hall of Fame nowadays if you have the “wrong” views on X or Y. Even if you’re one of the greatest pitchers of all time. They want to lower your social credit score in every damned context, render you a pariah everywhere they possibly can.
I want to say I’m half-exaggerating, but I’m really not. The left is openly persecuting whities and righties. They are proud of it too. They are crusaders, essentially, social justice crusaders, doing god’s work, or Lennon’s or Lenin’s or whoever’s. They are true believers in their warped cause. One wonders if there is any line many of these latter-day Bolsheviks would not cross in their ridiculous pursuit of social justice, or eradicating whiteness, or whatever. And if this is how things are now, where will we be in a decade or two?
Ordinary people are terrified to speak up and speak out in modern America, just like they are in Venezuela, just like they were in the USSR. Free people are not scared to say what they think. Euripides famously defined this condition as a form of slavery. Sadly however, the consequences for just speaking your mind are prodigious in modern America. They really are. That is, if you are right-leaning. It never goes the other way, naturally. It is always A-OK to insult whites or anything associated with whites, from christianity to WASP culture, to whatever really. Might even get you a lucrative book deal! The same goes for men as well. Insult them at will! They are vile symbols of the patriarchy!
No, it’s only a thought-crime to offend “oppressed” groups. White people are supposedly so infinitely powerful that you can’t so much as speak favorably of them openly. Whereas these downtrodden non-white peoples are apparently so powerless and oppressed that they, along with their allies, will destroy you if you so much as criticize them. Imagine believing such nonsense. The folks who can crush you at will have no power, and the folks who can’t even be complimented have a monopoly on it! Mind-bogglingly stupid and absurd.
Anyone telling themselves America is liberal and democratic and free is lying to themselves at this point. We are in a dark age. We are not entering it, we are in it. It isn’t coming, it’s here. Make no mistake about it. It has been brought to you by fanatics, leftist fanatics to be precise, who don’t believe those who reject their orthodoxies should get to speak, or participate in democracy, or society itself for that matter. The wokesheviks, the captains of cancel culture, are self-righteous fools, who feel they get to rule over the ignorant, racist, transphobic rabble, with or without our consent. Apparently all men are not created equal.
Powerful leftists increasingly think exactly as dictators think. They have criminalized dissent, effectively anyway. Moreover, the control Cultural Marxist oligarchs wield over public policy, and over the fundamental rights of the citizenry, particularly when they act in coordination with each other and at the behest of racial activist groups like the ADL and “civil rights” groups like the Lawyers’ Committee For Civil Rights Under Law, which is, like many civil rights, groups, a racial activist group in disguise, in addition to being a shakedown scheme, is largely indistinguishable from other forms of tyranny, and genuine dictatorship.
Thus, there are really only two possibilities. Either the West is still liberal and democratic and free, or we are being lied to by the MSM and the rest of the US power structure, the same folks who lie to us about everything else. Well, newsflash, they have enserfed you while gassing you up about freedom and American greatness and blah blah blah. The truth is plain to see, if you aren’t a complete coward. The level of control the US power structure exercises over the minds and actions of the American people would make the Castros blush.
So, anyone who is even half-serious about liberating the American people, has to be for completely deconstructing the institutions that have enserfed us. That means defending secession openly, abolishing the police or defunding them to near-abolition, it means 90% reduction in defense and intelligence spending and the like. It means nothing less. The state is in the hands of your enemies. It has been for a long time. They do not have good intentions for you. They intend to use those institutions to further enserf you, to continue to wage a vicious war against heretics, like yourself. It is those institutions that have enabled the left to control us, to tyrannize us. So if you are not for those things, you have absolutely no business calling yourself a patriot. None. We need to devolve power downward and defang the government at all levels. Yet oddly enough, modern conservatives seem to be most attached to and most sympathetic to the very institutions enserfing them, namely law enforcement and big business. It is a truly bizarre case of Stockholm Syndrome.
Conservatives have, over the decades, like the fools they are, empowered the surveillance state, militarized the police and expanded their power and discretion, and on and on, all in the name of fighting terror and crime and whatever. They have also refused, for half-witted ideological reasons, to regulate the gigantic corporations which are silencing and marginalizing us, making us aliens in our own lands, and roundly despised second-class citizens, at best. The truth is, the threats conservatives most fear (crime, terrorism, welfarism, market regulation) are trivial compared to the threats posed by the utterly out-of-control monstrosity that is the DC leviathan. Enlarging its most corrupt, invasive, and force-obsessed institutions (the Deep State, the MIC, federal law enforcement) has not made us one bit safer, but most critically, doing so has made us all far less free.
The Cultural Marxist state and its globalist allies in the corporate world, are, by a large margin, the principal threat to the most vital interests of ordinary Americans. There were no trannies reading to children at the local library when the mob ran things. As far as I’m concerned, a bit of racism, sexism and “crime” is a small, small price to pay for essential liberty. How supposed conservatives didn’t foresee that the force-oriented institutions they were enlarging, empowering, and worshiping would eventually turn their weapons on them, the people, is beyond my comprehension to understand.
We don’t need border patrol. Roving militias of patriots couldn’t possibly do a worse job on the border than the federal government is doing. And we don’t need cops. Free people can defend themselves and secure their own rights by and large, just as the Founders did. There were no official police forces during the Founding era, and I have zero doubt that the Founders would consider modern law enforcement, with its resources, armaments, numbers, and excessive powers, a standing army amongst the people, tormenting and subjugating them. They would never have tolerated it. At the very least, we could cut funding to law enforcement by 90%, and get the few remaining officers focused on serious crime, rather than curfew and mask violations. Americans would not be even slightly worse off as a result.
Over the last six or seven decades, the political right has given us the worst of all possible worlds. It has let both the government and the corporate world run roughshod over the rights and interests of the people. It appears to want us in fear, on our knees, dependent upon it for safety, under control, and under surveillance at all times. Government force is almost never used to protect the people, our rights, or our interests. Instead, it is used almost exclusively to control us, to keep us down and docile, and to protect the bottom lines of gigantic banks, megacorps, and allied institutions in government and closely connected to government, all of which despise ordinary Americans and would like to see white people rubbed out of existence altogether. It strikes at us even as it arms our enemies, mostly in the name of preserving ill-begotten wealth, property, and power.
It seems to me there is an eternal truth Americans have forgotten as a people: all governments are evil, it is all a matter of degree. Tragically, our government is no longer one of the less evil governments around. Not even close really. It seems to get worse and worse by the year. If I was asked to compare our government to known governments, in terms of how corrupt and evil it is, I would say it is comparable to Red China today, or the Roman Papacy circa 1520. This ain’t your great-grandfather’s America. Our government no longer does what legitimate governments do. It no longer rules with the consent of the governed. It is basically just a corrupt, criminal conspiracy at this point. And remember, white people do not need the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government needs us. Every decision made from here on out must keep these truths in mind.