The Lying Press Assists Liz Cheney
They are teammates in a war against the American people.
Liz Cheney just won’t go away. She clearly isn’t happy that no one wants to hear her at all, not even her Republican colleagues, though that hasn’t stopped the lying press from covering her every fart. And even as she fades into the night with nary an ounce of dignity or shame, all the while she argues that she is being persecuted for speaking truth, to power no less. The problem is, she’s not. All she is doing is peddling the official narrative of the American state, the obvious lie that there is just no possible way the 2020 election was compromised. So, here is some hard truth for Old Lizzie: Our government is only marginally legitimate, maybe not legitimate at all. Americans don’t trust our major institutions because our major institutions are not worthy of trust. Sorry, not sorry.
Jeff Flake writes in her defense, “In today’s Republican Party there is no greater offense than honesty”. As if peddling the fictions of the US power structure was what “honest people” do. Ironically, there is no greater offense in America today than not peddling the fictions of the US power structure, which is to say being politically incorrect. You can lose not only your Twitter account, but even your job for it. Simply speaking your mind in contemporary America, as a political rightist, can be absolutely devastating professionally, personally, and otherwise. But Trump is waging a war on honesty? Please.
The most honest thing one could say out loud about our government is that it is simply not worthy of our trust, and does not serve our interests to any meaningful degree any longer. But to the Cheneys and Flakes of the world, that would be an unforgivable sin. To question the inherent goodness of the American regime is sacrilege to authoritarians, globalists and other powerful folks closely allied to the Cultural Marxist ruling class. To say that we don’t trust the vote, which we shouldn’t of course, is to be honest. And yet we are told to do that is to be “dishonest”. Huh? How so?
Well, here is why these cretins say such imbecilic things: It is because the powerful need you to believe that the January 6th Occupy the Capitol protesters were a bunch of loons and terrorists. To legitimize the occupiers or their grievances is to expose the regime. The powerful need you to believe, and they of course need to believe themselves, that they are benevolent and competent and legitimate, whether they are or not.
Sadly, something resembling the old Soviet State has reemerged in the West. We learned recently that our own government was funding Coronavirus research, in a lab that was researching how to make Coronaviruses more infective in human populations, right there in Wuhan, China. That is next-level suspicious conduct by the DC regime. Leaking COVID from the lab would certainly have served numerous interests of the MIC and the Deep State. To date, we know that it helped oust Trump from office, it undermined China’s standing in the world, and it laid the foundation for a hostile and aggressive US government posture toward China (you need a whole lot of defense spending if you are to take on Red China).
To be clear, I am not arguing that the NIH, CIA, or some other entity connected to the US Government staged this whole thing, which is to say cultivated or genetically modified the virus, released it from the lab, and spearheaded a gigantic media/propaganda campaign, but good golly, I wouldn’t put it past our government to orchestrate the plandemic, would you? Of course, the Chinese Communist Government could also have been behind it, though it benefited to a far lesser degree than our own, but the point is, there is no way of knowing which corrupt government was behind it, or if either was. Neither government can be believed or trusted to any significant degree.
That is honest. That is to speak honestly. Defending the interests of the powerful is not honest, it is dishonest. But establishment conservatives do that, reflexively. A great example is their reflexive defense of modern policing, a fundamentally totalitarian institution. They are statists, and apologists for power at heart. They want the people under control and the government in control. They want us subjugated, to be blunt. And we have been.
A cop on every corner is the polar opposite of “small government”, and the Founders would never have tolerated it. They would have called modern police a standing army, tyrannizing the people, because that is exactly what they are. They run around enforcing the pettiest of laws with a tyrannical zeal. Furthermore, modern law enforcement is completely alien to the traditions and modes of living of white, western peoples, historically speaking. There were no official police forces in either the Founding Era or the Anglo-Saxon Era. Someone should let Marjorie Taylor Greene know.
And how could anyone deny that law enforcement in America has been thoroughly Sovietized? How anyone on the right can back or trust these institutions at this point, is beyond me. You are the target. No one else. And more critically, there are other ways. Free folk can drag the worst among us before the courts. Police power can also be curtailed so that only felonies may be enforced by official police forces. Interestingly, this is one of those rare areas where only what the most radical progressives are advocating is consistent with the views and values of the Founders. The modern “conservative” position on “law and order” is the Kim Dynasty’s position.
But as is their wont, allies of the powerful would have you believe that the reasonable are the crazies and the crazies are reasonable. And while some might aver that major entities in the US power structure would like the police abolished or defunded, given the lying press’s sometimes sensationalistic coverage of police-involved tragedies, nothing could be further from the truth. That is more about confused, conflicting objectives than anything else. On the one hand, corrupt, marginally legitimate power structures absolutely need a good helping of mindless government muscle behind them to remain stable and secure, but on the other hand, the corrupt US power structure needs to vilify whitey at every turn. Pathological whiteness is the founding myth of [Cultural Marxist] Weimerica. So, what to do when a white cop shoots a black felon?
Needless to say, “the war on police” is about as real as America’s “white supremacist power structure”. Fictional reports from the battlefields of this supposed “war” are meant to cause normies to feel sympathy for the “noble” bluecoats, so as to ensure nothing changes. As if the police were some persecuted class, rather than a stunningly overprivileged, overprotected, power-drunk army of government gangsters. Remember, if the police were abolished, the heads of journalists and congressmen would be first on the chopping block. Believe me, they know that. Which is why they are steadfastly committed to convincing you there is no other way.
Things are completely upside-down in the Western World today. Anyone telling the truth is labeled a liar by the powers that be, and anyone promoting the officially-sanctioned truth is invariably a liar. Consider the transgender craze! We are told women can be men, men can be women, that there is no deep or biological difference between the sexes. It is an absurd lie, and yet the regime has the mass of men, through propaganda, lies, coercion, shaming, intimidation, and other incentives, believing that we, the righteous, the intellectually honest, are the liars, for simply rejecting blatant lies. It’s scary stuff.
So while Liz Cheney, official spokeswoman for Trump Derangement Syndrome, shouts at the top of her lungs that her opponents are defending the “big lie” of election fraud, it is actually Cheney who is defending a much bigger lie. That is the lie that America today is the America of the 1910s or the 1950s, that our institutions are surely legitimate and intact, that our leaders are honorable and deserve respect.
The truth is, America has been in civilizational free-fall for some time, nothing our leaders say can be believed, and our elections are not secure. Not even close. If we wish to secure them, it has to be paper ballots and human counters. Paper. Humans. Nothing less will suffice.
America’s institutions have earned our distrust. And then some. And you can’t put that genie back in the bottle. Liz Cheney would like to simply berate us and insult us and call us rubes and loons until we accept once again what it serves the powerful for us to believe, namely that America is a shining city on a hill, rather than the low-lying swamp the Cheneys and the Bushes and their ilk have turned American into. Unfortunately for Liz, no one believes what she is selling but her. Americans can’t go back to blissful ignorance, or a state of reflexive obedience. No matter how badly Old Lizzie and the rest of the Neocons want us to go back to a state of docility and blindness, it can’t happen.
It can’t happen because it has become painfully obvious that the more we comply the worse things get. The more we lie down the more dirt is thrown upon us. It is going to take a lot of misbehavior and rabble rousing to get Americans out of the enserfed state in which we find ourselves. It will take the spirit of the Founders, a ragtag bunch of outlaws who drew clear lines in the sand when it came to government powers and abuses. These weren’t men who simply obeyed lawful orders, or relied upon courts that can’t be relied upon. We will need all of our cunning, we will have to carefully organize, and we will have to do the very opposite of what the Cheneys of the world would have us do, if we are to make our way back to a state of liberty.